Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Come Hungry, Leave Hungrier

You know I would feed you if I could, but since I'm not smart enough to develop Smell-O-Vision or Taste-O-Vision, you'll leave hungrier than you came. . . at least for food! Hopefully the tasty art will satisfy one part of your hungry soul. Please enjoy! I know we did!!!


Jen said...

hehehe... i remember these. LOL we need to get together to scrap again. i didn't get to talk to you much at NSD.

Sharli Schaitberger said...

Now stop it Rachele! I'm trying to lose weight!!!

These are wonderful!

Sharli Schaitberger said...


I was surprised with a blog award today - the criteria was something about me saying nice things. LOL I thought of my last post to you (and blushed) and I thought of how you are so amazing and positive and loving . . . so I'm paying it forward and honoring you! The Lemonade Stand award is at my blog:

Kelly Triggs said...

I have left you a little award over on my blog...common by and check it out!