Last night I stayed up WAY too late with a
friend and my daughter.
It was soooo late . . . er. . . I mean early. . .
she and her daughter crashed at my house!
Poola (as I fondly call Paula)
my daughter and I spent a few hours in Mesa at CKC,
but then had to come home and spend some craft time. . .
We made these paper flowers.
They were supposed to be Gardenias. . .
I'll say they are Roses. . .
I will admit that I wasn't sure they were going to turn out,
but I'm glad we stuck with it! Mikensee made the pink one.
Poola's bunch isn't here, but I know they will
remind her of night. . . I mean morning together.
Thanks Poola for making my life
sweeter and definitely more vibrant!
One of the reasons my posts these days are few is that
I spend most of my craft time each week making
handouts for my beehives.
We made a book especially for keeping them in.
(I guess I should show it to you!)
The girls love them and it brings me great joy to make
them for them.
Each one of these precious daughters of God has expressed
in some way to me, their gratitude. So much so that
I can't think of NOT making them something each week.
They are designed to remind them of the lesson,
and to show them that I love them and care for their well-being.
I make 14 cards each week. I've never posted them.
This is actually a handout for this week's lesson and next.
So I have a break.
It's a good thing because the next 2 Friday nights are
Cards for Connor
and I have to design 10 cards and prep for 40 guests!
This is actually a card that opens up,
but I'm not going to tell them that.
Next week, I'll show them the secret on the inside.
I don't know why I haven't shared any of them before, but I really
love how these turned out. I hope you like them too!
Maybe I'll share them a bit more often.

Please have a wonderful week and never, ever forget who you are
or of the divinity within you.
You mean the world to someone and to me. . .