Here is the original Post. SNOW BABIES
Here is a quick photo for those who didn't see last year or who want a sneak peek again! :)
Anyway, to address some questions I've been asked;
I used white acrylic paint. I used 2-8 oz bottles for the troupe I made. I cut my socks before I put them on my babies and it doesn't really matter how you do it, i just cut them in half at the toe and then tried to just keep cutting in halves until the strips were thin and curly enough for the poof on top. I used a little bit of glue to attach the hats on the first ones I made, but I really felt it was more trouble than it was worth. They seem to stay on perfectly with the elastic in the ankle band of the socks. If you wanted to be sure I think I would use Scotch Quick Dry Tacky Adhesive. Redline (Bologna) or Terrifically Tacky Tape would all work, but I would use a square in the front and one in the back, not all the way around.
I put the hangers (the round cap with the loop for a hook) on after mine were completely finished.
To do the paint you want to use WAY more than you think you need. I tipped them upside down in a cup and used the paint again and again transferring from one baby to the next. I just did housework and dropped in my office occasionally to do the next one. I let the paint dry for about 48 hours before I did any of the decorating. I used a black paint pen (found mine at Michaels) that looks like a marker. I think you could use a Sharpie, but this gave them way more personality than using a stamped face I think. I used some acrylic paint dyed with reinker and then end of a pencil (eraser side) for their rosy cheeks. You can also use the pearly white ornaments that are also easy to find. I made some of each, but prefer the craft white to the pearl.
If you make some, link up a post. I would love to see how many snow babies are delivered at your house this year!
Thanks Rachele. I have my put in 6 ornaments now. I went by Target and picked up a few socks to play with.
What did you use for your hangers? The ribbon or something else? I know that can literally make or break an ornament.
I am beside myself waiting to get going on these. They are so cute.
THANK YOU AGAIN. I will be heading to the $ store as well.
We are having a wet day here in Florida plus I have a sick teenager.
thanks for the comment. :) I can't wait until they are all finished. thank you so much for the insperation.
THESE are SO STINKIN' CUTE. I remember seeing them last year on your blog....MAYBE this year I'll give 'em a try!!
You MUST sell much do you charge? IT might just be easier to buy one from you, if you have any left?!
Thank you for the inspiration! When I was at Target getting some socks, I noticed some adorable Halloween mittens so I thought I'd make some frosty pumpkins.....I think they turned out adorable too!
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