I'm trying this again, for the 3rd time. Hopefully this time Blogger will cooperate with the upload. For some reason this tutorial has been a challenge. First I watermarked all of the photos with the instructions, but somehow didn't save them properly. Then I posted all the photos with the instructions typed and Blogger timed out and wouldn't accept the post. . . THEN, I did it again and it wouldn't accept my photos. . . tried 3 times and gave up! So, here I try again! I'm saving as I go this time, so hopefully I'll make it to the end! Wish me luck.

For 4-Clippy Boards: 1-12X12 Sheet BT or RSC, 4-4" Coasters, 4-Large Binder Clips, Adhesive, Ink, Sanding Block, Trimmer, 4-Standard Post-It Notes and Embellishments and stamp set of your choice!

Cut your 12X12 Sheet of BT or RSC to 4" squares. Cover both sides of your coasters with good adhesive and squares of paper, sand edges, ink to hide imperfections.

Using your last 4" square of BT, you will measure your binder clips. Mine were about 1" wide and almost 2" from front to back edge. To measure this, I measured the front, the top and the back and added these together. Cut and adhere with good adhesive. It is easier to put the adhesive on the paper rather than the clip. I found these white ones in the clearance section of Office Max, they came in a clear top magnetic tin. . . SCORE!

Here is what they look like finished! Embellish as desired. I used a small piece of ribbon, flower and brad.

Using STRONG adhesive, adhere the back of the post-it to your covered coaster about 1/2" from the top. You want your clip to reach. I stamped most of the pages of the pad to coordinate. I just flipped and stamped. It took a few minutes, but the look is worth it!
If you make one, please post a link back. I'd love to see what you create!