Thursday, November 6, 2008

If God Brings You To It . . .

He will bring you through it. Gratitude. Naturally in November our thoughts to thankfulness. It's easy to be thankful for the blessing we see, but not always so easy when they don't appear in things that seem to be trials.

I keep a gratitude journal and when I get around to it I add to my gratitude blog. (If you click you'll see it is woefully behind.) I've seen several worthy bloggers posting 27 days of Thanksgiving and other equally named thankfulness posts, but the reason for my post can be found here. Erin is an amazing gal. She and I are "virtual friends" and if you spend a minute at her blog you'll know why I think so much of her. Please take the next 15 minutes and read her post, view the videos and then join me in looking for the blessings in your life; even if the blessings are disguised in things as difficult as missing all of your arms and legs.

May this be the month where our hearts and attitudes are turned in great ways to ones that Heavenly Father can use for His good.

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